60s Northern/Rare Soul Vinyl - Northern Soul Vinyl Records
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Midas Touch Records - Northern Soul Dealers
- Danny Woods-To be loved-Smash E
- £20.00
- Darrell Banks-The love of my woman-Cotillion WD E+
- £30.00
- Darrow Fletcher-My judgement day-Groovy vg
- £15.00
- Darrow Fletcher-What is this-UNI LT E+
- £12.00
- Dave Blocker-Just like a ship-Verve E+
- £30.00
- Dave Love-Coalined baby-Solid Soul E+
- £15.00
- Deanna Brewer-I've gotta know-Lemco WD E
- £25.00
- Debra-What's it gonna be-Gree-Jack E+
- £15.00
- Debs-Danger ahead-Double L wol M-
- £25.00
- Dee Andrews-Stop! You're hurting my heart-TRC WD E+
- £15.00
- Dee Brown & Lola Grant-You need loving-Shurfine E
- £20.00
- Dee Dee Sharp-He's no ordinary guy-Cameo E+
- £20.00
- Dee Dee Warwick-Foolish fool-Mercury E+
- £10.00
- Dee Dee Warwick-Foolish fool-Mercury WD wol E+
- £10.00
- Dee Dee Warwick-Gotta get a hold of myself-Blue Rock E
- £15.00
- Dee Irwin-I can't stand the pain-Imperial Demo E+
- £15.00
- Del Vikings-Bring back your heart-ABC vg+
- £15.00
- Delia Gartrell-Fight fire with fire-Right on E+
- £15.00
- Dell-Vikings-Finger poppin' woman-Fee Bee E
- £25.00
- Denise Germaine-He's a strange one-ABC WD E+
- £50.00