60s Northern/Rare Soul Vinyl - Northern Soul Vinyl Records
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Midas Touch Records - Northern Soul Dealers
- Jades-Gotta find me somebody to love-Imperial Demo vg+
- £15.00
- James and Bobby Purify-You can`t keep a good man down-Bell E+
- £10.00
- James Brown-It`s a man`s man`s world-King E+
- £12.00
- James Ray-A miracle-Caprice E+
- £15.00
- Jan Bradley-Tricks of the trade-Doylen E+
- £20.00
- Janet & The Jays-Love what you're doing to me-Hi Demo E
- £20.00
- Janet & The Jays-Love what you're doing to me-Hi E
- £20.00
- Jay Dee Bryant-Let me fix it for you-Josie E+
- £12.00
- Jay Robinson & The Dynamics-I don't want to be your puppet..-Mala Demo vg+
- £20.00
- Jay Wiggins-Sad girl-IPG E+
- £25.00
- Jean DuShon-All of a sudden my heart sings-Cadet E+
- £20.00
- Jean Wells-After loving you-Calla E
- £12.00
- Jeanne Newman-He called me baby-Goldwax E+
- £25.00
- Jeff Barry-I'll still love you-Red bird E
- £20.00
- Jelly Beans-I wanna love him so bad-Red bird stkr E+
- £12.00
- Jerry Butler-Lost-Mercury E+
- £12.00
- Jerry Butler-What to do on a Sunday afternoon-Mercury M-
- £10.00
- Jerry Dayton-Who's wrong-Acsot vg+
- £15.00
- Jerry O-Funky Four corners-White whale E+
- £15.00
- Jerry O-Karate-Boo-Ga-Loo-Shout E+
- £8.00